Monday, 4 February 2013

Promote New Zealand Galleries to Embrace artFido

There are several things common between New Zealand and Australia. Beginning from the similarities in politics, natural resources, natural beauty, exciting sporting histories, and culture and heritage, business and commerce, military past, and societal activities also had great similarity between these two countries. One may wonder, but true it is, that development and dimension of art in these two countries are quite different. The isolation of art and artistic activities made New Zealand art spread less outside the country.

Eminent artists associated with artFido in Australia found that art galleries in Australia got easily associated with artFido. Not only galleries but also artists had a direct involvement with it. In the beginning there were misconception that online gallery would not be able to keep the tradition and respect of existing artistic creation. However, Australian artists and art gallery owners have understood that. However, the same thing did not happen in case of New Zealand. The galleries in this country did not respond in Buying art online or even selling any. Whereas artists and painters in New Zealand became agreed with ne advent of online galleries and embraced artFido, New Zealand art galleries did not respond well. The prior sign by Australian galleries before the launch of artFido created a history. However, it is not very clear why galleries in this country could not move hand in hand with artFido.

Shelley Simpson is a burning example of New Zealand artists who artFido from the beginning. Shelley was the first artist in the queue to list work on the artFido site. Two of the art pieces got sold. One of these went to an Australian art collector. Social media accepted Shelley’s creation well. The revolution of art communication on digital and internet platform started with this event. Now is the time when you can Sell your art online and the whole world will watch your creation.

So many questions are in people’s mind dwelling among artistic emotion, art environment, art communication, and parallel existence of offline and online art galleries. Artists who have already sold their art pieces online have got more response, even through auction. Another New Zealand artist that has embraced the new platform is Bee Doughty-Pratt was another artist in New Zealand who got himself involved in this trend and also got similar appreciation to the world. Both artists have got a few prestigious awards from Australia. Cross country communication in this way has also created a spark of enlightenment in New Zealand artists and some gallery owners.

Whatever doubts may be there, art in New Zealand should go global for the art lovers. Cross country selling of art pieces and enrichment of art in both the countries should be two strong causes, let other reasons be alone, to promote artFido and other online galleries in New Zealand. Buy art online Australia and buy art online New Zealand. Let us unite for the sake of art.